I think everybody in this space would have an idea of abstract art. If you don't, that is okay too!
P.S. - I am going to share my idea of abstract art and not the textbook definitions.
I feel that would be easier for me to convey what I want to convey.
As a highly sensitive person, abstract art is a medium and a tool for me to process my emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It also helps me be in a comfortable environment.
I vouch for abstract art, because I don't like to be bound to anything. In my experience and opinion, one has to be following a particular idea while creating a fine artwork. For example, I would have to make many different lines while painting a bowl.
Even if you utilize your imagination, I feel that there's a lot of imitation and replication that goes on with fine art. However, I find that there is a lot of creative freedom in abstract art.
Now, when I say abstract art, I mean free-flowing art. I consider abstract art to be art that has a connection with your internal creative radar, your internal guidance, and your internal thought process.
Abstract art is art that happens when one uses colors and brushes on a piece of paper, canvas, or any other material to process abstract ideas, feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
Here's a quick story: I took part in a solo art exhibition last year. There was a father and daughter who walked up to my stall and saw my art. They viewed my work and the father looked at his young child and asked in a flabbergasted tone, 'what is this? What is this?'.
The father and daughter were speaking in Telugu (a regional Indian language). Unfortunately or fortunately, Telugu happens to be my mother tongue.
I realized that abstract art was a new concept for them. It was new for them to see art without any fine details. I do understand that abstract art could be new for a lot of people, but that doesn't mean it cannot help others, especially highly sensitive people.
I feel that it is important to express oneself using vague ideas and emotions through colors that don't necessarily have to match or have a color scheme.
We always focus on having the right combination, texture, and tones in art, right?
I don't think that's right. I feel that art should come from your selection of colors, paper, and art material.
To me, abstract art is a way to free oneself from different kinds of bondages. That, my friends, is my definition of abstract art.
Now, unless you try abstract art or are a highly sensitive person, you might not resonate with me fully.
I do want to mention a little bit about the artwork in this post. So, this is an inspiration from a time when I felt I was feeling quite let down. I painted my disappointment in the background.
Fun fact: The background was not filled with neon colors before, and it was filled with a primary color. Then, I got neon paints and I was like, what the hell? I think this artwork deserves a background of neon paint!
So that's again another thing, right? There are a lot of situations in life that we can't change, but one can change everything and anything in abstract art.
There's nobody to stop you :).
I hope that if you're reading this post, you're somebody who's like me, who likes to stand out, and who likes to have a unique stance in life.
I would love engagement from your end, as I am excited to hear more from you through the comment section below.
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.
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