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Using abstract art to navigate others fears

Writer: Dr Pranita RaoDr Pranita Rao

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

An abstract art painting
An intuitive abstract art painting guided by my fears

Throughout my life, many people told me that I came across as someone with many fears.

It wasn't until the recent years, that I realized that those fears weren't fully mine.

Some fears came from my parents, friends, strangers, narcissists, or relatives. Also, some concerns came from the universe.

If I removed other's fears from what I thought were my own, there wouldn't be much of it left.

I've experienced subtle bullying by people in rank. I've heard comments such as:

  1. You are so scared.

  2. I can't help you because you are too much for me (this is often a nonverbal cue).

  3. There is so much fear around you.

  4. Are you a victim?

In all honesty, I do believe that such comments stem from insecurities and fears too.

I've realized that everyone is scared at some level. I doubt if even spiritual gurus or monks are fully fearless.

There have been days when I've woken up in a pool of other's fears. On such days, most often, I have dragged myself to paint. As soon as I begin painting and working with abstract art, I notice my fears decreasing.

I come to a state where I am not scared of other's fears or being in that pool of fears.

I know that my intuition has played a huge role in making sure I painted something that gave me relief.

Every time I make art in a state of fear, I find myself being more honest and accepting of my vulnerabilities. That honesty and vulnerability show in my art too.

So, dear sensitive souls, I know that the world is a place where there are more people and their fears that pull us down, rather than push us forward. However, there are solutions like intuitive abstract art that help us channel our fears into creating something beautiful.

Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

-3, 2, 1, Cheers,


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Disclaimer  - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.

To get medical support, please reach out to a qualified medical professional.


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Expressive Sensitive is a registered business owned by Dr Pranita Rao. This space raises awareness about the co-relation between high sensitivity, creativity, and intuitive creativity. The content in this space is purely aimed at increasing education and outreach about high sensitivity and creativity. In no manner must any individual utilize the content on this website as medical information or advice. Please note that all artwork and written content on this site are original. They must not be replicated or shared with others. To know more, please read our privacy policy and terms of conditions. ​




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