Dr Elaine Aron suggests that the trait of sensitivity or high sensitivity can be found in animals and in children from birth. She mentions in her research that fruit flies, fish, dogs, monkeys, and humans can have the innate, genetic trait of high sensitivity.
[Aron DE. Author’s Note. 2012. hspperson.com]
I do believe that my high sensitivity is innate and an extremely individualistic trait.
On my journey, I've met some other highly sensitive and artistic people. I haven't found anyone else like me. I often get excited when I come across new highly sensitive people, as I feel that we could have much in common. Although there is some truth to it, my highly sensitive and artistic style is unique to other highly sensitive people too.
For example, I have come across some highly sensitive and artistic people who are inspired by art or abstract art in a particular way. Some utilize their experiences, mythological or spiritual references, and popular opinions to create their art. Their voice as a highly sensitive person reflects in their work and their inspirations.
To me, abstract art is about expressing my emotions. I use texture white (thick white paint) to better express my emotions on the canvas/paper. It helps my unique, highly sensitive voice come out freely.
For example, the artwork in this post represents my unique artistic style. It is an abstract art primarily made of texture white. Also, I've expressed the emotion of self-love fully without any limitations.
Now, what could be your unique, highly sensitive art style?
In all honesty, it takes some practice and inner connection to recognize one's highly sensitive and artistic art style.
However, maybe we can make a start today, together?
If you wish to take a baby step into understanding your individualistic, highly sensitive art style, please ask yourself the below-mentioned questions:
1) What matters the most to me regarding my sensitivity or high sensitivity?
For example, for me, honoring my emotions matter the most to me.
2) What matters the most to me regarding my artistic style?
For example, for me, having zero boundaries with my imagination during painting matters the most to me.
3) What matters the most to me regarding my artistic voice?
For example, for me, expressing myself fully through abstract art matters the most to me.
Once you get your answers, please don't judge them. No matter how vague or specific they might sound, please make sure you paint with these answers in your heart.
Of course, please let me know where it takes you :)
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
Please note:
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.
To get medical support, please reach out to a qualified medical professional.