Highly sensitive people often have innocent hearts and minds.
I do want to take a moment to say that highly sensitive people can also be criminals or narcissistic.
However, many of them have innocent intentions for the world around them.
Innocence can be looked down upon, thinking that it is a weak quality. In my experience, it gets people out of complex situations. When one has innocent thoughts, in one way or the other, the world recognizes it.
My friends, sadly, I find that this world lacks innocence. We live in a world of cut-throat competition, wherein people are willing to cross boundaries to meet their desires.
Innocence is mistaken for fear and rudeness. It could be mistaken for a quality that can be overpowered. In reality, innocence cannot be overpowered. It can be disrespected but nothing can truly win over innocence.
Some highly sensitive people experience trauma in their lives. I've encountered fair amount of trauma in my life. For example, I've overcome bullies, delays in career, sudden changes in my career, and chronic illnesses. As a result of my challenges, I have had to visit many coaches, teachers, and healers.
A lot of healers, coaches, and teachers considered the root cause of my traumatic experiences to be a victim mindset. I worked relentlessly on trauma and victim-based belief systems. During this time, I felt that something was missing. I always knew deep down that I wasn't a victim or never even felt like one. After distancing myself from all the external voices, I clearly feel differently.
I consider that many times (not always) my innocence was mistaken for fear or a victim-based mindset.
I believe that there is a solid line between being a victim and being innocent. Unfortunately, the world confuses both.
You may ask, how is this post related to education about highly sensitive people or abstract art?
The learning point here is that it is important to not believe in others' perceptions of our innocent actions. It is important to not believe in others' perceptions of our art too.
It is important to remember that there is a correlation between the way we live and the art we make. When we live with innocence, our art comes out from a place of innocence too.
As I mentioned, innocence cannot be overpowered. So, regardless of the complexity of any situation, one would find it easier to express oneself through art and take more empowered actions, if only one were acting from a place of innocence.
For example, I listened to my innocence and painted the cover art for this post. There were so many thoughts in my mind telling me that it would be a bad idea, given that it doesn't look extremely polished. However, according to me, the cover image captures the essence of this post.
So, dear highly sensitive soul, cherish your innocent actions and art.
I surely try my best to believe in my innocence, and it helps me listen to myself.
I'd love to know about the innocent action steps you've taken in your life (especially art-related). Please share them in the comments section below :). I say this in all my posts, but I'd like to emphasize that your stories matter and help in creating content that is valuable to highly sensitive people at large.
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.
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