You found me! Welcome to expressive sensitive!

The terms highly sensitive people and abstract art may be new to many readers. However, please be patient with yourself and this blog post. You would learn about yourself, my work, or the Expressive Sensitive blog space. I assure you that you could learn something new about yourself and the world :).
My name is Dr. Pranita Rao. I am a former dentist, published science communication author, trained abstract artist, and a highly sensitive empath (i.e., I can feel, absorb, process, and sense more than someone from the average human population).
I am an intuitive and a creative individual, educated in working with my high sensitivity trait, creative abilities, and highly sensitive people.
My journey involves pain, laughter, creativity, spirituality, emotions, and high sensory perceptions. After many detours, I created Expressive Sensitive to utilize my intellectual, spiritual, and creative abilities to encourage highly sensitive people to make a change in their lives through reading, abstract art, and their inner guidance.
My confidence in the capabilities of my art, trait, and intuition has come with time, education, and persistence.
What is Expressive Sensitive?
I began writing a personal blog in 2022. I didn't plan to make my art and stories public until 2023. All I knew that I had to express myself and hear myself. I couldn't keep my stories and artistic ideas stuffed, anymore. I needed to give myself space to breathe and express.
So, began my journey in Expressive Sensitive.
Expressive Sensitive in the only space in India that educates highly sensitive people and creative people.
Expressive Sensitive is an extension of my creative ideas, real-life highly sensitive experiences, emotions, and unexpressed thoughts. This space is for art lovers, creatives, sensitive souls, and highly sensitive people (HSPs).
I mainly speak about high sensitivity in relation to common challenges, intuition, and abstract art. I've worked with abstract art for more than two years. I've first-hand noticed abstract art supporting me with my high sensitivity, information overload, and overwhelm. It has helped me cut off from the inner and outer noise. It came into my life when many highly stimulating experiences would make me feel shut down and restricted.
Given my continuous trials and errors with abstract art, l can attest that it can have beneficial effects on a sensitive nervous system.
This space is to learn, engage, and support oneself through stories that are rare to find and art that is rare to view.
You're welcome to view all the content in them.
What is high sensitivity? Who are highly sensitive people?
Highly sensitive people have an inherited sensitive nervous system. Dr. Elaine Aron, a scientist, studied the trait and found that the trait existed in 15-20% of humans. Highly sensitive people are empathetic, creative, intuitive, and more aware of their surroundings.
I look at highly sensitive people as people who are truly filled with love, light, emotions, and big dreams. I consider them to be creative beings often wishing to change the world with their stand-outish ideas and innocence.
As I see myself change and find my unnecessary layers peel off, I see other highly sensitive people like me. To contrary beliefs, highly sensitive people can be funny, happy, expressive, excited and opionated. They are usually progressive about topics such as women's health, emotional sensitivity in men, healthy sexual beliefs, and integrating logical and creative ways of living.
Although the trait can have many advantages, highly sensitive people can be easily overwhelmed due to various stimuli such as loud sounds, excess information, new environments, smells, and crowds (Aron. Elaine N, The highly sensitive person, 1996).
Given the wide array of the population that could have the trait, the awareness surrounding the matter must improve. There could be many highly sensitive people unaware of the term, the trait, or the solutions to enjoy high sensitivity.
I must add, every highly sensitive person can have different presentations of their trait. My creative, intuitive, and scientific inclinations are my highly sensitive gifts that stand out the most. My main challenges with my trait have been organizing, learning, and truly understanding my creative, intuitive, and scientific capabilities. These challenges caused minor to major challenges in different areas of my life such as career, health, relationships, and personal growth.
For you, dear reader, it could be the same or different. Regardless, this space aims to embrace one's uniqueness and not shy away from it.
Why can my blog support your journey as a highly sensitive person or a sensitive person?
I have learned about my sensitivity by reading books and several other blog posts written by other highly sensitive people. I have been able to identify a problem in my life and find a solution that is helping me cope with the impact of overwhelm and stimulation. Hence, I am assured that sharing my experiences and knowledge with highly sensitive people can support them in filling gaps in their lives too.
Often, highly sensitive people need to learn about the experiences of other highly sensitive people to feel heard and understood. Certainly, I felt the need to learn about other highly sensitive people's lives.
In my blog, I share content that is specific to the lives of highly sensitive people and their challenges. It would be relatable to individuals seeking written narratives from other highly sensitive people or sensitive people. Although this space doesn't offer therapeutic or medical support, I have been told that one feels safe and welcomed in my blog space.
My blog readership includes sensitives wishing to learn about creative solutions to address challenges like stimulation, overwhelm, or expression blocks for a sensitive nervous system.
I enjoy sharing honest stories and perspectives surrounding the life of a highly sensitive person. These stories include topics such as abstract art, empaths, happiness, creativity, intuition, stigmatic behavior, lack of support, emotional sensitivity, and unique gifts of highly sensitive people.
My story may be different than yours. However, I do realize that highly sensitive and sensitive people could have problems arising from similar root causes.
Why do I believe in my blog and my goals to educate the wider society through my blog?
My blog is my favorite part of Expressive Sensitive, as it nourishes the writer and the artist in me. I welcome you to see my world through my writing and art.
I consider blogs to be one of the best ways of education, as many people rely on written content for education and behavior change. Blogs can be a creative educational resource too. So, it is easier to share educational content in ways that are engaging and memorable to readers.
In the past, when I have spoken about high sensitivity in person, I came across people who felt bothered by their realizations about high sensitivity. Utilizing a blog decreases the chances of emotional responses, as the reader can have their privacy without having difficult social experiences that could inhibit their learning. More importantly, they can choose to learn at their convenience and comfort levels. Also, may I add, reading blogs can be super fun!
Blog posts help people who cannot pay for private sessions, attend sessions, or are hesitant to learn about their traits in person. Most importantly, blog posts make individuals feel heard, especially if they cannot get support or information about their sensitivity and creativity elsewhere.
Why can you subscribe to my blog?
You can subscribe to my blog if you resonate with me and my work. More importantly, you could subscribe if you wish to learn about your creativity, high sensitivity, and intuition through blog posts that can be read under four minutes (usually). The bite-sized blog post format welcomes non-readers or sensitive people disliking long-form content too. I can assure you that this post is the only long-form post in my blog (please feel free to view random posts to confirm any doubts).
[To subscribe, please scroll down to the bottom of the home page or the main art blog page. Please click on the subscription box to enter your email address and be a part of the Expressive Sensitive blog. The subscription includes a free resource kit for highly sensitive, creative, and intuitive people. Please note that at the moment the blog is a free space. However, gradually, I plan to convert it into a paid subscription and membership space for a nominal amount.]
I invite you to join my art and high sensitivity journey.
If you have read this post and feel that this space isn't for you, then, thank you for stopping by :).
It could happen that you have liked my work but don't know why you are here. In that case, please know you are still welcome to subscribe, and say hello to me.
Regardless, I am assured that my work can either help you learn something new or embrace yourself more.
*I've always felt frustrated searching for teachers, coaches, or mentors. The uniqueness of my challenges has either delayed my learning or has made me feel frustrated. As a virtual teacher, I would like to extend hope and share that, dear reader, Expressive Sensitive has appeared in my life. Let us learn from it, together.*
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
Dr. Pranita Rao
BDS, India
MSc. Science Communication, UK
Founder, Expressive Sensitive
Highly Sensitive Empath
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition. To get medical support, please reach out to a qualified medical professional.
Awesome art! This topic has been knew to me until I read this blog and learnt so much from it. Wishing great success!
Beautiful art! <3