Often, I've come across people expressing themselves to me without giving me the space to express myself.
In some conversations, I wait for the other person to realize the impoliteness of not letting me speak. However, it's rare for people to allow highly sensitive people to speak their hearts out truly.
I truly believe that all highly sensitive people have much to share with the world. We go through so many different circumstances that don't get an outlet, which keeps us feeling restricted and shut down.
I think that repressed experiences inhibit highly sensitive people from feeling their best among other people.
Yesterday, I went to a play where I met a woman. My empath abilities were conscious of her need to speak and express herself. I initiated a conversation, and we were chatting about many things in life. We took a break from our conversation during the play, but shortly after the play, we got to speak again. This time the woman had gotten carried away.
Upon asking her about the play, she shared her views with me without giving me a chance to put my word forward. I was waiting for her to finish speaking, but she had so much to share that she forgot to include my say in the conversation.
I won't lie. It felt bad.
A part of me felt guilty of empathizing with someone who completely missed the point of true connection, i.e., including the other person's expressive views.
I haven't had the chance to paint since, but I do hope to express myself and let out all my disappointments on my canvas today. Most times, when I paint, I let all my highly sensitive experiences come out. I let the canvas/paper be my outlet.
The point here, my friends, is that every highly sensitive person deserves to express themselves. It is our birthright.
We can wait to express ourselves with someone polite, or we can pour our hearts onto the canvas/paper.
Don't you think the latter is always available?
I'd love to know your views. You are welcome to express yourself in the comment section below.
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
[P.S. - Please take a short quiz to learn about your sensitivity, creativity, and intuition. Are you a subscriber? If yes, have you availed your free highly sensitive and creative person’s resource kit? Please feel free to email me at pranitarao62@gmail.com to avail it :)].
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.
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