Often, people view sensitives in bad light for their sadness and challenging experiences.
At the end of some conversations, I've come across people using the words 'take care' with an energy that feels pitiful. People unaware of the trait misunderstand the behavior of highly sensitive people.
However, being highly sensitive or an empath is a beautiful experience. We experience sheer happiness when we are happy, around someone who is happy, or around people who make us happy :).
Last week, my brother visited me, and it was like a week-long party!
I was around another happy soul and that made my empath abilities pick up happy emotions from him. I felt like the inner comic in me had been ignited, as I began cracking jokes I had repressed.
I don't think I would have been able to have as much fun as I did, if I wasn't highly sensitive to my brother's happiness or my own.
In doing so, I remembered that I loved laughing! At times, I remembered my challenges. However, it was impossible for me not to notice the immense joy inside me, waiting to come out.

My brother is also an artist. So, we ended up painting together. I did a mini painting for him, and he named it Cosmos. The name was apt, as it looks like a mixture of galaxies.
It was exciting, as I could share my creativity with another artist.
In my opinion, there is an inner comic waiting to be explored and an inner creative waiting to be utilized in highly sensitive people.
So, dear highly sensitive soul, experience the joy in being highly sensitive and creative.
Realize that you can love being joyous and artistic.
You are welcome to join and share your stories of high sensitivity, art, and joy in the comments section below.
Let's have more moments of joy, together.
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
[P.S. - Please take a short quiz to learn about your sensitivity, creativity, and intuition. Are you a subscriber? If yes, have you availed your free highly sensitive, and creative person’s resource kit? Please feel free to email me at pranitarao62@gmail.com to avail it :)]In my opinion, there is an inner comic waiting to be explored and an inner creative waiting to be utilized in highly sensitive people.
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.
To get medical support, please reach out to a qualified medical professional.