I welcome you to my blog post! Let's chat about grounding today.
In my experience, abstract art does have a grounding effect on sensitive souls.
As highly sensitive people and empaths, it is important to be in a grounded state. The lack of grounding can make one sway.
For a long time, I had trouble understanding the meaning of grounding. I often had doubts. I've listed the three main questions that bothered me below.
When is a person grounded? How would you know when one is grounded?
Is grounding equivalent to being calm?
How do I ground myself?
Research on grounding alone suggests that grounding can improve the de-stressing and balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system. Additionally, it can better regulate the heart rate (Sinatra. T, Grounding - The universal inflammatory remedy, 2023).
Noel Koenke's description of grounding comes close to my understanding of grounding. She says, 'Being spiritually grounded means, we can shake off negative comments or thoughts because we are interested in aligning with our Greater Purpose.'
After studying many healing and energy modalities, I've concluded that grounding is a concept that is unique to each one of us. To me, abstract art can be grounding too. I've found the emotional centers of my body/brain feel much stronger after painting.
I find that using certain colors during abstract art creation can ground us.
For example, the colors blue and green have a grounding effect on me. Similarly, using certain strokes can have a grounding effect on sensitive hearts.
In my experience and practice, I find that abstract art has a beneficial impact on the emotional, nervous, and sensory systems of our body. This in turn, could decrease the state of ungroundedness arising from overwhelm or emotional distress.
So, dear friend, I encourage you to use blue and green colors (or any other color that speaks to you) to paint something that makes you feel connected to yourself.
You've got nothing to lose!
I think it is fascinating to be able to paint and possibly ground oneself in the process of art-making. I can't promise overnight results, but with consistent practice, one can notice grounding effects during or after making an abstract art that works for you.
What do you think? Do you have any notable thoughts?
If you do, please share it in the comment section below.
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
[P.S. - Please take a short quiz to learn about your sensitivity, creativity, and intuition. Are you a subscriber? If yes, have you availed your free highly sensitive and creative person’s resource kit? Please feel free to email me at pranitarao62@gmail.com to avail it :)].
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.
To get medical support, please reach out to a qualified medical professional.