Sometimes, I go to art-related fairs and workshops. In doing so, I realize that not everyone is alike. Some people look at art with spiritual eyes; some create art to follow their passion; and some value art as a mainstream career.
To me, art is a necessary path.
As a sensitive soul, art is a path that came into my life as a tool to support my life's journey.
There is something about art that motivates me to look at life with a happy outlook.
Here is why:
A few weeks ago, I spent long hours working on a painting. It was, as if, there was a rush of inspiration pouring through my inner creative radar onto my canvas.
It wasn't until later that day that I realized I was saturated. I decided to take a break from painting for the next few days. After two days, I felt something in my life was missing. I could sense a void.
So, I decided to pick up my brush. When I did, I heard a part of me joyfully shouting, 'hey! Where did you disappear?'
I instantly began feeling happy. My pink and blue colors on the canvas filled the void with joy.
It was truly a happy experience. I could feel the word happiness in my body and mind (if you are an empath, you will know what I mean!).
Also, who are empaths?
Dr. Judith Orloff, a renowned scientist, describes empaths as people who 'feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in their bodies, without the usual defenses that most people have.'
I truly believe that sensitive hearts require art. In my experience, it can surpass our thoughts and self-critical attitude. In my opinion, that is important for people who identify as empaths. I say that as it can be challenging to overcome empath-related problems. When everything fails, I find art and self-compassion pulling me forward.
Picking up the brush, going to an art store, and writing about art in Expressive Sensitive have truly helped me. They have been the necessities of my life.
How about you? Do you feel that art is necessary for you or your sensitivity in any way?
Let me know :).
-3, 2, 1, Cheers,
[P.S. - Are you highly sensitive, creative, and intuitive? Take this quiz to learn more about your sensitivity.]
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Disclaimer - Please note that the information on this site and blog is not medical information. Expressive Sensitive is a space to inform, educate, and engage highly sensitive people about the relationship between abstract art, high sensitivity, and one's intuition.
To get medical support, please reach out to a qualified medical professional.